League of Legends URF champion tier and item builds in KR server

I recently found a new lol stats sites that provides URF and ARAM data. Here we go: https://poro.gg/ URF mode is just begun yesterday, but the population of games are rapidly increasing in Korea! Let's check a couple of top tier champions. 1. Master Yi - His alpha strike can avoid enemy's skills and make a deal. 2. Garen - OMG...Finally I can find this champion at SR. 3. Kathus - Endless Q skill and powerful ultimate! And...here's another data for fun. Most played champions top3: 1. Lucian - Move continuously by using E skill. - Easier to clear minions. 2. Malphite - It's fun! (feat. his Ultimate skill) 3. Xerath - Unlimited long-ranged skill You can find more data such as item builds and skill tree are available on PORO.GG I hope your victory at the league.