[Korean] Meaning of Anpanman, Konjac, Ddaeng, Babo, and Hajima

I found many question on Google to know meaning of some words in Korean. You may find many of them easily by using Google or other translator. But some words and expression is hard to find, because they're slang or coined words. This time, I will show you those kind of words. 1) Anpanman You may know this is a name of BTS's song. It comes from Japanese animation's name Anpanman. Actually its Korean name is "Ho bbang man". But in Anpanman is fit the rhyme. 2) Konjac Konjac is a kind of food like below image. It's made with Devil's tongue. If you listen Konjac in Korean drama 'Something in the Rain', it's implication. Konjac has no taste, no smell, so it's too bland. In the drama, the expression was used to tell 'our relationship is too bland.' 3) Ddaeng It has some meanings. Mostly used meaning is a beep sound (as an onomatopoeia). In Korea, many TV quiz shows and audition shows used xylophone sound when ...